Watch This, Not That: Kid’s shows edition by Liz

I never thought I'd be the type of parent who would beg my kids to watch TV so I could have a moment of peace.  Rather, I had always thought I'd spend my evenings doing puzzles and teaching my little angels to read with Hooked on Phonics or some other smarty pants thing like that. And I NEVEH thought that I would *gasp* actually come to ENJOY some of these shows.  But like with anything, if you are subjected to it day in and day out, you start to develop an affinity for it. (Also my reasoning as to why I enjoy Nickelback so much!)

But I'm willing to admit that I've come to not only tolerate, but actually like a few of my kid's shows.  And if like me, you've found yourself *forgetting* to change the channel when Yo Gabba Gabba is on, I'd thought I'd let you know which ones won't make your eyes bleed.

Watch This:

Johnny Test: I didn’t want to like Johnny, I really didn’t.  My kids accidentally discovered him in an rare moment of live TV watching and then I decided to look the other way on the Y7 rating(oh, c’mon, I’m sure those things don’t mean anything anyway, right?).  They quickly grew ADDICTED to little Johnny, his scientist twin sisters and talking dog.  But lately I find myself sitting each morning as we get ready for school, little shoes in one hand, actually WATCHING Johnny Test.  I *may* have even watched one when there were no children within a ten mile radius of the house. (Shh!)

Greek: I’ve already come out of the closet and admitted that I’m a closeted YA fiction lover, so it may not surprise you that I also have love for Teen TV.  ABC Family's Greek is a fun and frothy look at college life. And now the creators of Greek have combined my two secret loves, YA fiction and TV with a new Greek book-Double Date by Marsha WarnerAnd we have THREE copies to give away! Just leave a comment here and be entered! We’ll select the winners randomly on Thursday night.

Honorable mention: HotWheels: BattleForce 5: Um, is it weird that I have a crush on the guy that drives the red car?

Not That:

Bakugan: Don’t get it.  Don’t get the show, don’t get those lame little balls my kids made me buy that open when they land on a piece of paper.  And REALLY don’t get why my three- year -old feels the need to yell “BAKUGAN STOP! BAKUGAN ROLL!” all the time.  Who comes up with this stuff?  and why the hell do my kids like it so much?  All I can say is that it was erased from my season pass faster than you can say Conveyor Belt of Love.

The Wiggles: Sorry Wiggles lovers. Four grown men driving around in a big red car and singing about their body parts is just too much for me to handle.  And those songs!  So damn catchy that I find myself singing them around people over the age of five, which Is, Just. Wrong. I'll have to find another way to teach my kids about their heads, elbows, knees and toes! And is it just me or is Captain Feathersword kinda creepy?

Honorable mention: Dora The Explorer: Hey amiga, can you please find a shirt that covers your tummy?  Porfavor?

What kid's shows are YOU watching?  Leave a comment and you'll be entered to win a copy of Greek: Double Date to satisfy your inner teen!

xoxo, Liz