Have we ever mentioned the majuh love we have for NYT bestselling author Meg Cabot? Between Liz's slight obsession with her YA novels (Um, does Princess Diaries ring a bell for anyone?) and Lisa's love for her Chick Lit Queen of Babble series , we consider ourselves huge fans. Not to mention how we crush on her witty tweets and Facebook updates. And once you see the, um, creative way she approached her five things, we think that you'll be girl crushin' on her too.
And we also have an AWESOME giveaway to share with y'all! Just keep reading to find out what it is...
But first, we have to tell you about Cabots's latest YA release. It's high fashion with a touch of sci-fi. In Runaway, the dramatic conclusion to the bestselling and acclaimed Airhead novels, Emerson Watts is on the run: from school, from work, from her family, from her friends, from herself. And we all know that no one does YA better than Meg Cabot! Click here to read more about the Airhead series.
And the fabulous giveaway we mentioned? A Bare Minerals Extreme Glimmers eyecolor set and Airhead Prize pack that includes Airhead, Being Nikki and Runaway. Just leave a comment to be entered. This contest will run for two weeks so be sure to tell all your friends to head over for their chance to win!
*Cue Drum roll*
Since I’ve been blogging circa 2003 (and everything that’s not on my blog is either in my books or on my Twitter), it’s hard to think of five things everybody doesn’t already know about me!
But as a thank you to Chick Lit Is Not Dead for having me here today, I’ll give it a try: The 5 photos no one has ever seen of me (for good reason)!
I’ll admit I came up with the concept for Runaway (which has a modeling/murder theme) because I hate getting my photo taken. In fact, it was during a book tour that I came up with the idea for the Airhead series... a brain transplant. Because I would rather have one of those (into Heidi Klum’s body, of course) than deal with getting my picture taken.
That’s because for every good photo of me, there are at least five terrible photos of me.
I call into evidence the following:
1. I have a lazy eye. Not a charming Paris Hilton, if-I-tilt-my-head-the-other- way-it-will-be-all-right lazy eye. An I-look-like-I-just-had-ten-beers Lazy Eye.
This was taken at the vet’s office. I wasn’t drunk. But I look like I am.
2. I also have what my mom calls the Mounsey Squint (her maiden name is Mounsey). Here’s a good example. It’s how I look in most photos that readers have taken with me at book signings. It’s why they always go, “Oh, your eyes were closed. Can we take that again?”
Don’t bother. My eyes are actually open. It’s the Mounsey Squint:
3. Because of this, I have grown pathologically afraid of having photos taken of me at any time. This is how I now react whenever anyone comes close with a camera, and I’m not on tour and REQUIRED to smile:
4. If there is nothing handy to cram over my face, I am apparently not above resorting to charming expressions like this one in the hope that the photographer will just go away (all of our vacation albums are filled of photos of me looking like this):
5. In a sly effort to combat all of the above, the last time I had my author photo done, my publisher sent over professional fashion photographer Ali Smith, her assistant, this makeup artist, and her ten-ton arsenal of equipment.
Don't worry Meg, we aren't very photogenic either! To read more about the hilarious Meg Cabot, click here!
And check out what Lisa wrote about Meg over at Barnes and Noble!
xo, Liz & Lisa