
What's on Adena Halpern's Bucket List?

For us, there's almost nothing we like better than discovering a new author.  And when we find out that author has already written three books? We just *might* jump up and down like giddy schoolgirls.  *just maybe*

So when the fantastically talented Laura Dave told us about Adena Halpern and her latest novel, 29, we snatched up a copy immediately. And we found it funny, engaging and sweet (the perfect combo).  After finishing this page-turner with the perfect cover in just two days (and seriously wanting more!), it's exciting to know that we will get more because 29 and another of Halpern's novels, The Ten Best Days of My Life have been optioned by 20th Century Fox to be made into movies.  In fact, Amy Adams (Lisa has a major girl crush on her) is set to play the lead in The Ten Best Days of my Life!

In 29, Ellie Jerome is a young-at-heart seventy-five-year old who's done just about everything to stay young.  On her birthday, she wishes to be 29 again for just one day and wakes up the next morning to discover she's morphed into her gorgeous twenty-nine-year old self!  The sheer joy of being young again prompts Ellie to consider living her life all over-even if it means she'd have to leave all of her loved ones behind.  We think you will love 29- a story that reminds us why we all should live our life without regrets. And if you leave a comment, you'll be entered to win one of FIVE copies.  We'll randomly select the winners on Thursday night.

And you know what else we love?  Adena's bucket list!  Like 29, it's fun and sassy and left us wanting more.  We loved that she wants to pay it forward and set up a couple that gets married (Like Adena, Lisa met her husband through a mutual friend who set them up!) and that she wants to change someone's life.


1. Have Mr. Valentino design a gown for me. I don’t care if I have no place to wear it, I’ll wear it to the supermarket.  I’ll be the best-dressed woman in the frozen foods section.

2. Change/save someone’s life. Of course I’ve volunteered my time and given money to those in need, but one of these days I’m going to do something huge.  I want to be one of those people who offer to pay a stranger’s college education or buys them a house or pays off all their debts.  That’s something I’m definitely going to do one day.

3. Get a sandwich named after me. Though my husband thinks it should be ham on rye, heavy on the ham (hardy har har), I think it should be something more ladylike, dainty, like a tea sandwich with watercress and smear of cream cheese… and a spicy pickle for flavor. 

4Set up two people on a date who eventually get married. That’s actually a pay it forward thing.  A mutual friend set up my husband and me on a blind date. We’ve been married for three blissful years.  I’d call our friend every day and thank him, but he’d think I was crazy.  I think extending his good deed to someone else is the best way of repaying him.

5. Receive an award. I never win anything.  One year I won the Oscar pool between my friends and I. You would have thought I won an actual Oscar I started heaving with elephant tears, literally heaving.  I wouldn’t be picky about my award either.  Any old award is fine.  I’ll accept it in my Valentino gown!

Thanks Adena! xo, L&L

To find out more about Adena and her latest novel, 29, head on over to her website.  You can also buy 29 here.