forgiveness — Liz Fenton & Lisa Steinke


Liz & Lisa's 5 Do's and a Do-Over

So we're quickly figuring out that writing these features is a lot harder than we'd thought it would be- but it's been a lot of fun! Don't forget that it's not too late to enter The D Word HUGE ASS giveaway! .

Here's how the contest will work-It's simple!
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All receipts must be received by TUESDAY JUNE 21st at MIDNIGHT PST and this contest open to US/Canada only.

Click HERE to see all the FAB prizes you could win. (Hint: IPAD2!)



DO treat yourself to good spray tan every once in a while. Besides the fact that I think the super-hot spray tan girl was totally judging my boobs, this was a great experience! It gave me a little more swagger in my step for the next 7-10 days.   Maybe your indulgence is a hot-stone massage, keratin hair treatment or a mani-pedi with extra massage.  Whatever it is, just remember to take time out of your incredibly busy life to do something nice for yourself every once in a while.

DO forgive others and yourself often. Being angry takes so much energy!  People often tease me that I never stay mad for long and it's true-forgiving the people you're upset with and moving on is the best gift you can give yourself.  Holding on to it is unhealthy and can be destructive.  And don't forget to forgive yourself too!  We all make mistakes, some small, some HUGE, but just remember that tomorrow is a new day.


DO realize the power of a teammate in friendships, in partners, in business, in life. I am so lucky to be able to write books with my BFF. But our working relationship would never be a success if we weren't a team. And the same can be said for my marriage. And with my other close relationships. Because, let's face it, we don't always get along and we don't always agree, but we should always be willing to hear each other out, give each other the benefit of the doubt and have each other's back. Bottom line: you don't always have to be on the same page, but you DO have to be on the same side.  That's being a teammate. And if you can get that part down, the rest is smooth sailing.

DO live in the moment. DO appreciate what you have. DO be present. DO be happy. This is probably what I have to work on the most. Constantly doing what I call "pushing the re-set button" and promising myself yet again that I'll stay present, that I won't get caught up in negativity and won't let toxic people and frustrating situations get the best of me. And instead of letting my mind wander to what's wrong, keeping it focused on the positive that's right in front of me. There's a magnet on my refrigerator with a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is mystery, Today is a gift.

DO-Liz & Lisa Do remember it's never too late to pursue your dream We may have talked for TEN years about writing a book, but we finally did it. It may have taken one of us threatening the other and there may have been some man-handling involved but once we put finger to keyboard, the words flowed and we wondered why we'd waited as long as we did.  So never think that you can't.  Because you can!


This one is tough.  We'd love to say that we have no regrets, but c'mon, let's face it, we grew up in some fashionably unforgiving times.  In fact, we think we'll just present photographic evidence of what should NEVER be repeated.  And yes, that is US in the pictures.

xoxo, Liz & Lisa