
25 things Liz & Lisa want to know about...Emily Giffin

giffin2We're thrilled that Emily Giffin is answering our 25 "hard hitting" questions because we heart her. In fact, we more than heart her. We have total writer crushes on her.  Something Borrowed and Something Blue are two of our favorite Chick Lit books...and the novels that finally inspired us to get off our lazy asses and write that book we'd been talking about writing for, um, like, 10 years! (Thanks, Emily!)  All four of her books - Something Borrowed (2004), Something Blue (2005), Baby Proof (2006), and Love the One You're With (2008) - have been New York Times bestsellers and translated into a bazillion languages! And her fifth book, Heart of the Matter, is due out in Summer 2010. (We can't wait!) Love the One You're With (LTOYW) is out in paperback now and is the perfect book to throw in your beach bag and devour while you soak up the summer rays. (PS: It's really juicy--about a girl who gets a chance at a "do-over" on her love life!)

One more thing...we have 5 autographed copies of LTOYW to give away. Because we're twores (twitter whores) now, we've decided that if you're one of the first five people to follow us on Twitter Lizandlisa, RT our link to this blog post and send us a DM, you'll get a book! *Tweet* *Tweet*, tweeps!

Now, without further adieu---CHICKLITISNOTDEAD.COM PRESENTS: 25 Things Liz & Lisa want to know about Emily Giffin:

1. Inside my purse, you'll discover: a complete mess. A mass of receipts, random lip gloss, sharpie pens, Blackberry, iPod

2. My secret talent: identifying fonts

3. If stranded on an island, the five things I couldn't live without: I'm assuming you mean other than items to survive. And my children. So here goes: My iPod, my Blackberry, my computer, US Weekly and a Starbucks latte every morning.

4. On my nightstand you'll find: piles of books, photos of my children, peppermint foot lotion

5. When I grew up, I wanted to be: a novelist

6. My worst job: a waitress at Colonial Ice Cream. I got paid $4.50 an hour and my boyfriend got $5/hr.

7. My comfort food: not sure how comforting it is, but guacamole.

8. The location where I write: my attic office or coffee shops.

9. Three songs on my IPOD's most played list: Ani DiFranco's As Is, Joshua Radin's Lovely Tonight and Dispatch's Out Loud

10. If I was on the cover of US Weekly, my headline would read: Best-selling Author Wrecks Mini-Van .... AGAIN!

11. The three books that make me think of my childhood:

Ramona the Brave

Anne of Green Gables

Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great

12. My favorite Chick Flick: Notting Hill and When Harry Met Sally

13. My favorite Chick Lit book: Melissa Banks' Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing. Is that chick lit? I think so.

14. My "must see" TV: American Idol, Lost, and The Office

15. My Starbucks order: grande skinny double latte

16. My favorite curse word: not really a curse word, but I enjoy an occasional "douchebag"

17. My celebrity man crush: Ryan Reynolds, Matthew McConaughey and Taye Diggs but Jake Ryan (Sixteen Candles) will always have a special place in my heart

18. My celebrity girl crush: Jennifer Aniston

19. My writer media crush: Rachel Maddow

20. My last meal before execution: I refuse to answer that question! (as in, I'm not going to think about my execution!)

21. Three words to summarize my book: universal, resonant, wrenching

22. It took me _____  to write my book. One year

23. My book's original title: Was always Love the One You're With

24. Right now, I'm working on: a new novel, Heart of the Matter

25. Chick Lit is alive & kicking because: quality writing, no matter what genre, will always be in demand

Check out to find out where to buy Love the One You're With, read a sneak peek of Heart of the Matter or to get more info on Emily and her other books!

A big xoxo to you Emily!