Fake Blonde & New Mommy Don't Mix!

So, I was supposed to get my hair done today. Just as I've done every seven weeks for as long as I can remember.

Well, I had to cancel.

Something I've never done in as long as I can remember.

New mommyhood= new (hair and otherwise) challenges.

When I made the appointment, I was about to pop. I remember laughing with the woman at the front desk who was also prego with her first. I'll be here- NO. MATTER. WHAT. Nothing can come between me and my hair! Not even my baby! Bah ha ha ha.

Cut to today as I sheepishly cancel my appointment-- the morning of.

Who does that?

I suppose a new mommy does. Or at least THIS new mommy does.

When would you like to reschedule?

Um, er, uh...

I felt a wave of panic come over me. Would I now be that blonde? The one with, gulp, roots for days?  Would I, gasp, have to start doing my own hair, like with hair dye from a box? What was next? Wine from the box?

I'd always pictured myself svelte (any brilliant ideas on how to get rid of my new spare tire are welcomed!), fashionable (is spit up the new black?) and put together (no roots, no overgrown cuticles and no claws for toe nails) in my post-baby life.

But I guess for now I'd settle for showered.



PS: This post was inspired by my friend Lisa and her own hair catastrophe which she wrote about on her hilarious blog, Baby Mama Jams. Check it out- it's full of funny mommy anecdotes, fabulous flea market finds, brilliant DIY projects and more!

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