May is the inaugural International Chick Lit Month! Chick Lit is Not Dead is teaming up with fabulous international Chick Lit sites Chick Lit Club and Novelicious to bring you a month-filled celebration!
Held in May, it celebrates all things chick lit – that amazingly diverse genre that focuses on the issues that women face today. It can be light-hearted, it can be serious. It can be heart-warming or heart-wrenching. It can make you laugh or make you cry. It is usually romantic – sometimes even raunchy. It can inspire, intrigue and educate you. It can be about young women facing their first loves and career choices; right through to older women facing the loss of a life partner and a new direction in life. It can be about a fashionable, hip career girl from NYC, about a mother from England who’s lost her groove, or a country girl from Australia looking for her Mr. Right. The women who write chick lit - and the women they write about - may be mothers, daughters, sisters; in love or still looking. The characters may remind you of your own friends and enemies; of your own strengths and flaws. Reading chick lit gives you a chance to walk a mile in another woman’s shoes – but it’s about so much more than shoes and sparkly pink covers!! Because every woman deserves her happy ending. Be sure to bookmark the site now so you don't miss out!
What’s happening in 2011:
2011 is the inaugural year for International Chick Lit Month. And we’re kicking off things in a big way – with lots of your favorite authors writing guests posts, offering their tips to aspiring writers, choosing their all-time favorite chick lit books and explaining what chick lit means to them. We’re also launching our Hall of Fame, where three worthy recipients will be honored for their contribution to chick lit, and introducing a swag of debut authors from the Class of 11. Plus, just like you always find on the Chicklit Club, Chick Lit is Not Dead and Novelicious websites, there will be heaps of book reviews and giveaways. Make sure you check out International Chick Lit Month this May … because every woman deserves her happy ending!
How you can celebrate:
- Check in to the International Chick Lit Month website every day during May for great posts, book reviews and giveaways!
- If you attend a book club, suggest a chick lit title for their May selection.
- Encourage your local library to set up a display of some of their most popular chick lit books.
- If you have friends who love chick lit too, why not organize a book swap night where you all bring along books you have finished reading, and swap them for new ones.
- If you have a lot of books clogging up your bookshelves or stored in boxes in the garage, maybe it’s time to do a clean-up. You could sell them through a garage sale or donate them to your local charity shop, school or care center. You could even band together with friends and run a book stall, with the proceeds going to your favorite charity.
- Invite the girls over for a chick flick night. Pick movies that have been adapted from books, such as PS I Love You, Bridget Jones’s Diary, In Her Shoes and Confessions of a Shopaholic.
We’d love to hear if you have any more suggestions!