What a year 2013 has been!
From turning 40 to our publishing deal with Atria/Simon & Schuster to getting through all five seasons of Breaking Bad, it's been a year of big things. And as I bid 2013 adieu tonight while watching the ball drop in Time's Square from the comfort of my couch, I'll be thinking about the things--big and small--that I'm most excited about in 2014.
Oh and because we had to do ONE LAST GIVEAWAY this year, leave a comment about what you're excited to do in 2014 and be entered to win a bundle of surprise books! We'll choose the winner on Sunday, January 6th after 12pm PST. Happy New Year, everyone!
1. Juicing!
Yes, you read that right. I'm that wife who asked for and is ecstatic she received an appliance for Christmas. A good friend said to me, of course you did, you're forty and you're a mom! Welcome to the club. The hubs and I are so overly-excited about the endless possibilities this juicer will bring us you'd think we'd just won the lottery. I'll definitely be reporting back on the kale, carrot and ginger concoction I plan to try first.
2. More binge watching
We just watched the finale of Breaking Bad two nights ago. (So. Effing. Brilliant.) And I may never watch TV the same way again. In fact, I know I won't. Not having to wait a week to find out what Walter White was going to do next was one of the best things that has ever happened to this highly impatient person. The only question is what TV show should I binge on next? Recommendations, please!
3. More blowouts
I know Liz and I have talked incessantly about and posted, er, a lot of pictures of our obsession with having someone else blow dry our hair--DryBar, oh how we love you! This blowdry thing *might* have even ended up in the book we're currently writing: The Status of All Things. I realize I'm not J-Lo and probably don't need as many blowouts as I think I do (you know, like 3-4 a week), but if any of you know a way for me to wash my hair as little as possible while still making it look great, please let me know! I smell a dry shampoo obsession coming in 2014.
4. Changes to our website
2014 will mark the 5th anniversary of this site. That's cray-cray! Oops, forgot that's one of the 7 things I'm supposed to stop saying because I'm over forty. Anyway, be on the lookout for a redesign as well as new features! And important news about our new domain name! Stay tuned...
5. Getting published
This is so big that Liz and I don't have the words for it yet. In fact, we probably never will. All we can continue to say is we're grateful to be living our dream and so happy to have your support and that you put up with our shameless plugs. Like these:
- You can pre-order our book here.
- You can subscribe to our newsletter here.
- You can follow us on Instagram here.
- You can follow us on Twitter here.
- And then there's Pinterest too.
See you in 2014!