Today's guest: Stacey Ballis
Why we love her: She writes delicious novels!
Her latest: Out to Lunch
The scoop: A touching and hilarious novel from the fabulous Stacey Ballis about best friends, true love, and the joy of food—for fans of Jen Lancaster, Jennifer Weiner, and Emily Giffin...
Our thoughts: Our favorite of all seven of her novels! Yes, she's written seven!
Giveaway: TWO copies of Out to Lunch! Just leave a comment to be entered to win. We'll select the winner on Sunday, December 15 after 12 PM PST.
Where you can read more about Stacey: Her website, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.
1. I have two tattoos, and one of them was my mother’s idea and on her dime. And no, you can’t see them.
2. I once sprained both of my ankles at the exact same time. Because I’m gifted like that.
3. Despite being passionately in favor of gun control, when I was at camp I was a Ninth Bar Sharpshooter with a 22 caliber rifle, and just three targets shy of the Expert level before I realized it made me a member of the NRA, and I stopped shooting. I’m still kind of good at a carnival tho.
4. While you will most often find me listening to the 70s and 80s stations in the car, my favorite single piece of music is Dvorak’s Symphony for the New World. It’s also my dad’s favorite. We discovered the coincidence when I was in my 20s.
5. I know all the words to Don McClean’s American Pie. ALL OF THEM.
6. I often keep my wallet and cell phone in my bra so I don’t have to carry a purse.
7. I’m completely addicted to television procedurals of the legal, police, and spy variety.
Thanks, Stacey!