I recently left my wallet at a grocery store and didn't discover it was missing until the next day. I quickly made the assumption that the billfold and all of its contents would never be seen again. As my husband called the store, I rolled my eyes. It wasn't going to be there.
But here's the thing: not only was it there, but everything, including my cash and credit cards, were still inside.
And I was shocked. And so were a lot of my friends. I got more comments and "likes" on the Facebook post I wrote about it than I've received on almost any other. And many of the responses from people were to share similar situations they'd been through.
I'll admit it. I can be a little, okay a lot, jaded. I'm not a negative person, but I often consider the things that can go wrong or the "worst case scenario" when making decisions or facing certain situations (like this one). And while I don't think this is a bad quality, I do think it's one that can and should be re-evaluated.
I've learned a valuable lesson here. If you believe the best in people, they might just come through. Sometimes it's okay to simply have a little faith.
My three-year-old daughter wouldn't be surprised my wallet was returned. She would simply be happy for me. She has been teaching me about having faith every day but I clearly haven't been paying enough attention. Her wide-eyed observations of the world don't include judgment. They aren't skewed by the times she's been burned. They are pure and honest and enviable. And I've decided I'm going to let them rub off on me.
I'm going to believe and remember there is good in the world. And I'm also going to be the good.