We could sing Sarah Pekkanen's praises all day long. She has it all--she's funny, smart, sweet, gorgeous (check out that picture to the left!) and talented. (In fact, her fifth novel, CATCHING AIR, is out today! So, stop reading and go buy a copy, then come back and see what else we have to say!)
So when Sarah not only agreed to read our novel, Your Perfect Life, but took the time to write kind words about how much she loved it, we were like two teenage girls who'd just been asked to the dance by our crushes. We were giddy as hell! And her perfect words are now on our back cover for all to see!
Here's what Sarah had to say about Your Perfect Life:
“Your Perfect Life puts a fresh twist on a ‘Freaky Friday’-scenario: What if you switched bodies with your best friend, and got the life you’d always secretly coveted? I adore Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke’s witty, winning style and gobbled up their debut novel.”
Thank you so much, Sarah! To celebrate, we're giving away a copy of CATCHING AIR. Just leave a comment to be entered to win. The contest closes on Thursday, May 8th at 8am PST.