Y'all know we love on Jennifer Weiner. One of our favorite books of 2014 was her novel, ALL FALL DOWN. And tomorrow, April 7th, it will be available in paperback--just in time for spring!
Would you like to win a copy? Just leave a comment on this post and you'll be entered. Contest closes Thursday, April 9th at 10am PST.
The scoop: Allison Weiss’s husband has been sleeping in the guest bedroom. Her five-year old daughter’s meltdowns can only be stopped with promises that she can watch The Bachelor. Her father’s early Alzheimer’s has him thinking that Allison is still in college, while her once-distant mother cannot stop calling for help. Her big suburban house sits unfurnished, and the stress from her dream job is unbearable. This is Allison’s happy ending. . . .
When she happens upon a magazine quiz about addiction, she wonders if her use of prescription drugs is becoming an issue. Is it such a bad thing to pop a Percocet at the end of a hard day or a Vicodin after a brutal Jump & Pump class?
With a sparkling comedic touch and tender, true-to-life characterizations, Jennifer Weiner turns one woman’s slide into addiction and her struggle to find her way back up into an unforgettable tale of empowerment and redemption.
Our thoughts: We will definitely be rereading this book! One of our favorites.
Exciting news: #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner to write for The New York Times Op-Ed and Sunday Review columns! On the eve of Jennifer Weiner's paperback publication of ALL FALL DOWN, we're delighted to pass along the New York Times' announcement of Weiner’s recent appointment as a Contributing Opinion Writer.
As Capital New York reports, Editorial Page editor Andrew Rosenthal and Op-ed/Sunday Review editor Trish Hall announced that the paper will be bring on "several prominent authors (Jennifer Weiner, Roxane Gay), journalists (Texas Monthly executive editor Mimi Swartz, Judith Shulevitz) and academics (Zeynep Tufekci, William Baude, Adam Grant)." As Andrew Rosenthal stated, "We were looking for a broad range of viewpoints and subjects and backgrounds and geographical locations and every kind of form of diversity that you can think of."
Weiner's recent contributions to The New York Times – “Mean Girls in the Retirement Home” and “Another Thing to Hate About Ourselves” – rose to the top of the "most emailed" lists and have been picked up by newspapers and media outlets across the world.
Jennifer Weiner's next work – a sweeping love story titled WHO DO YOU LOVE – will be published this summer on August 11, 2015.
We're thrilled for Jennifer!