2010? Really? How did another decade pass so quickly?
It seems like just yesterday that we were LOLing over Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction at the Superbowl and shaking our own heads full of hair when Britney Spears shaved hers. Do we even need to bring up that fake British accent?
When the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve last week, Lisa grabbed her iPhone and kept up our yearly tradition of ringing in the first minutes of the new year, no matter how far we may be from each other. And after a few awkward moments of slurred screaming, Liz drunkenly declared that 2010 was going to be OUR year.
The year we land an awesome agent!
The year that we get our just-finished manuscript published!
Okay, so forget that last one. It was probably the Champagne talking. But the other ones? So. Happening.
So being the Type-A bitches that we are, we decided to set up some serious resolutions to make sure our dreams come true in 2010.
I couldn't WAIT to say sayonara to 2009. Between my brother's brush with death to the stress of trying to finish our manuscript, it was a crazy year! I woke up January 1st with a feeling of peace (and not just because I was still buzzed from my bellinis!) and a feeling that 2010 will be the year that we attain our goals. Here are the things I'm resolving to change in 2010...
1. Lose the *gulp* six pounds I gained this holiday season. I promise to never again stand at my kitchen counter and devour 1800 calories of Costco lobster spread and stale baguette while the Say Yes to the Dress Christmas marathon blares in the family room.
2. Refuse to even crack a smile the next time my husband makes a Jersey Shore joke when the words "The Situation" are used in normal conversation.
3. To start jogging at least three times a week in preparation for the Huntington Beach Superbowl Sunday 5K. Related Resolution: Stop letting the kids use my unused Bosu ball as a trampoline.
4. Resist making multiple embarrassing references about Lisa's dating past during my Matron of Honor speech at her wedding next month. And make sure to get official MOH dress properly fitted so that my cleavage is not the main attraction at the reception. Related resolution: To control urges to repeatedly request Lady GaGa songs while intoxicated.
5. To try to figure out a better cursing system since my five year old seems to have developed an affinity for spelling. Damn you California public school system! I was counting on your low ranking to buy me at least another year. What the F-*-C-K?
I've never been the kind to make a vow on New Year's Eve that I'll do "this" or "that" the following year. That's probably because every year my resolution would've pretty much been the same.
FIND A MAN Or: Related Resolution: Find a man that's not a jerk. Or: Related Resolution: Find a man who's not AS MUCH OF a jerk as the last. Or Related Resolution: Find a decent vibrator.
Well, now that I'm proud to report I've not only found a great man but he can also confidently co-exist in the same house with certain said paraphernelia, I'm in a resolution kind of mood.
1. Lose five pounds. Damn you, Knot.com! You just won't back off. You keep sending me emails that the wedding is less than two months away (BTW- I know that!) and that I'd better get. in. shape. I can't help that during the holidays I gave into that extra piece of pie or that, er, third helping of mashed potatoes because I knew my big, bulky, Midwestern sweaters would hide the weight! Related Resolution: Simply stop eating meat and potatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
2. Stop wearing sweatpants and bulky socks to bed. I preface this by saying that it's 15 degrees DURING THE DAY here. Don't even talk to me about the night. But, yes we have a heater and a humidifier. (I only just learned what the latter was). So, there's really no excuse for how incredibly unsexy I've been this winter (sorry honey!). So, in the words of Justin Timberlake, I vow to bring sexy back! (Or at the very least to lose the socks)! Related Resolution: Stop canceling on my bi-weekly wax appointment!
3. Stop buying cute winter clothes. I can't help it. When it's cold as balls and you're face is red and your skin is dry, you at least want to dress in a cute outfit to try to offset all the winter-induced ugliness. This California girl used to happily live in a world where UGGS were worn only on nights that dipped below 60 degrees. So once she discovered the many, many styles of cute boots and coats, it was ovuh.
4. Get over my burning desire to do the Macarana at my wedding. Matt's said it won't be funny. My mom threw her arms up in disgust. Even Liz gave me the eye. So, I know I can't tell my DJ to play it now because it won't be any fun to do the dance by myself. But I refuse to give up Bel Biv Divoe, Rob Base or Shout! (Yeah, you read that right!) Related Resolution: Keep Liz from the DJ so she can't request Lady GaGa. Nothing ruins a buzz faster than her rendition of Paparazzi!
HAPPY NEW YEAR From Chick Lit is not Dead! Now, tell us- what are your 2010 resolutions?
Liz & Lisa